The Daisy Patterned Antique Planter has a special design with an elegant and modern look that will be a beautiful decorative item in your home or office.
Your planter has a large volume, so it will hold enough water for your plants' needs.
In addition, it has a drainage hole and a plant saucer underneath, so it will prevent your plants from drowning in excess water.
Your planter is a perfect choice for different types of plants and is easy to maintain.
You can also apply a coating on top of your planter to protect your plants' soil from moisture.
When using your planter outside, you can also use a shade curtain to protect it from sunlight.
This planter, where you can display your flowers carefully, will be a beautiful addition to any home.
The antique-style planter will add great style to the environment and make your home look more elegant than it is.
It is also lightweight but has a sturdy structure for its size.
This planter has a decorative structure that will be presented to your liking and your guests' liking.
Product dimensions: 21 Liters / 38x32 Cm
It is made of high-quality plastic and can be easily washed.